1. Ayurvedic Name:Ellu.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Sesamum indicum Linn.
Features:An erect annual pubescent herb grows up to 1 meter in height, and branched from the base. Leaves are large, thin, the lower ones lobed, uppermost are linear, usually ovate and toothed. Flowers are white, purplish or yellow arises as racemes from leaf axils. Fruits are quadrangular, oblong capsules, dehiscent from above the half way down. Seeds many, either black or white.
Plant pacifies vitiated kapha, pitta, dysentery, nephropathy, skin diseases, hemorrhoids, ulcers, migraine, and alopecia. Seed oil act as a medium in medicated oil preparations in ayurveda Useful part : Root, Leaves, Seed, Oil.
2. Ayurvedic Name:Erumakkalli.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Argemone mexicana Linn.
Features:A strong branched prickly annual, 60-90 cm in height with yellow latex; leaves simple, sessile and spiny. Flowers large, bright yellow, terminal on the short leafy branches; fruits prickly capsules, oblong-ovoid, opening by 4-6 valves; seeds numerous.Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, guinea-worm infestation, skin diseases, itching, inflammations, all types of poisoning, constipation, flatulence, colic, malarial fever and vesicular calculus. Useful part : Whole plant.
3. Ayurvedic Name:Edana.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Olea dioica Roxb. (Olea malabarica Kostel.).
Features:A moderate sized tree, grows up to 15 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate, acute, acuminate, leathery and oil glanded. Flowers unisexual, greenish yellow colored, found in terminal or axillary panicles.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, fever, inflammation, anorexia, colic, and skin diseases. Useful part : Leaves, Bark.
4. Ayurvedic Name:Eentinpana.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Cycas circinalis Linn.
5. Ayurvedic Name:Eethappana.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Phoenix dactylifera Linn.
Features:A tall palm tree grows up to 40 meters in height. Leaves pinnate, 5 meters long, lower part of leaflets modified to spine; flowers in long spadices, unisexual; fruits oblong berries, reddish when ripe. Pulp sweet, fleshy; seeds cylindrical, with longitudinal furrow in front.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, sexual debility, general weakness, bronchitis, dry cough, asthma, burning sensations, migraine, and gastric complaints. Useful part : Fruit, Flowers, Seed, Leaf.
6. Ayurvedic Name:Eeti.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. (D. emerginata Roxb, D. sissoides Grah.).
Features:A large sized tree grows up to 40 meters in height. Leaves imparipinnately compound, leaflets alternate, ovate, obtuse, membraneous and pubescent. Flowers found in axillary panicles, small, and bisexual. Fruits long, elliptical, up to 7 cm long, containing 1-3 winged seeds.
7. Ayurvedic Name:Eezhachempakam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Plumeria rubra Linn. (White variety).
Features:A deciduous fleshy stemmed tree grows up to 15 meters in height. Leaves simple, arranged in a whorl, with prominent veins, crowded at the end of branches. Flowers fragrant, yellow with creamy center Fruits follicles. Reproduction is by vegetative manner.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, ulcers, skin diseases, inflammations, arthritis and constipation.Useful part : Root, Leaves, Latex, Bark.
8. Ayurvedic Name:Ekanayakam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Salacia reticulata Wight.
Features:A woody climber grows on bushes and hedges. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate oblong, acuminate, coriaceous, crenate, glabrous and shining. Flowers yellowish green in woody axillary tubercles; fruits globose, pinkish orange, contain 1-4 seeds immersed in pulp.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, urinary infection, diabetes, hemorrhoids, inflammations, leucorrhea, skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, flatulence, colic, and jaundice. Useful part : Roots.
9. Ayurvedic Name:Elam.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Elettaria cardamomum Maton.
Features:An erect, tall perennial herb grows up to 3 meters in height. Leaves sub sessile, elliptic-lanceolate, the leaf sheaths wrap one over another forms a pseudo stem. Flowers seen in long drooping panicles arises from the base of vegetative shoots, fruits there chambered, sub globose capsules, containing 15-20 brownish black aromatic seeds.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, urinary retention, cough, bronchitis, cardiac disorders, anorexia, dyspepsia, burning sensation, renal and vesical calculi and general debility. Useful part : Seeds, oil.
10. Ayurvedic Name:Elanji.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Mimusops elengi Linn.
Features:A moderate sized evergreen tree grows up to 15 meters in height. Leaves simple, opposite, oblong, acute or acuminate, glabrous, leathery and wavy margins; flowers gray colored, very fragrant, found as solitary in leaf axils. Fruits ovoid berries, containing 1-2 seeds per fruit.Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, dysentery, wound, ulcers, headache, dental caries and constipation. Useful part : Bark, Flower Fruits, Seeds.
11. Ayurvedic Name:Erumanak.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Ficus hispida Linn.f.
Features:A moderate sized tree grows up to 5 meters in height. Leaves opposite, long, with scrubby surfaces, pubescent; receptacles fascicled in the stem, obovoid, hispid, green and turns yellow when ripe.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, leukoderma, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, ulcers, jaundice, inflammations, fever and alopecia.Useful part : Leaves, Fruits, Bark.
11. Ayurvedic Name:Ezhilam pala.
(View image at http://ayurvedicimages.blogspot.com/).
Scientific Name:Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R.Br.
Features: moderate to large sized evergreen tree grows up to 30 meters in height. Leaves 5-7 in a whorl, elliptic-oblong, obtuse and petiolate; flowers small greenish white, found in umbellate cymes. Fruits follicles about 50 cm long, conatin papillose seeds with hairs on each ends.
Plant pacifies vitiated vata, pitta, skin diseases, fever, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, intestinal worms, tumors, malignancy, ulcers, wounds cough, bronchitis, insanity, epilepsy and general debility. Useful part : Bark, Leaves, Latex.